Sunday, September 22, 2013

Letting Go Of The Old

I say to myself that I want to go wherever God is taking me.  It's much easier said than done.  If I am going to go where God is leading than I am going to have to let go of some things. (People, places, and things).  It has taken me some time to face this reality.  I have at some point on the surface, but deep withing God is calling me to look deeper within to face my greatest fears.  I can't run from me, and if I am going to elevate to new places I can only take me, and not the mess or toys that I so often want to cling onto.  The more that I evaluate my life I realize that it really comes down to a person journey between me and God.  God is capable of doing all things, and I believe the number one thing he wants me to do is change me.  If I change everything else in my life will change as a result, but so often I want other things to change first.  I truly comes down to a faith walk.  A walk that I must make with God and myself.  Other things will be added, but God wants me so close to Him that regardless of the things added or taken away that I am still capable of keeping my focus on Him.  This day I want to thank God for blessing me with opportunities of change, hope, love, and freedom.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Benefit of Oppostion

Can I speak with you honestly for a moment?  I have said that I wanted God to bless me with a ministry that would assist others, but I didn't honestly think about the price that I would have to pay to reach those goals.  I realize that I can't approach accomplishing my dreams like most people do.  I have to work harder, sleep much less, and exert myself in all areas to be the best that I can possibly be.   I have faced great opposition, but what has astonished me is that with each opposition that I eventually overcome I have grown by leaps and bounds.  I have learned that giving up is not something that I can afford to even have in my vocabulary these days.  I don't like much of the things that I face, but I am not talking about liking things, but pressing forward regardless of what it looks like, or feel.  At the end of the day I have failed more than I have been successful, but eventually those failures teach me the very lesson that takes me higher.  Opposition I don't like it, but it's a teacher like no other.  If I want to improve my life, ministry, relationships, and walk with God than opposition is the tool that will be used more often than I would like.  We may not be able to direct the wind, but with prayer I can make the necessary adjustment to the sale.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899
Tel:  848.222.9999

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Armed & Dangerous

How do you go about accomplishing your goals starts with you mindset.  Success begins in your perspective in life.  You have to believe regardless of what you see.  You have to press forward regardless of how you feel.  David defeated Goliath because he believe when everyone else was afraid.  I believe today that I will accomplish the impossible not because of what people say or because of my past, but because my eyes are on God.  God will provide wherever He guides is the attitude that I have today.  I am armed and dangerous because I left alone thinking that I can do it within my own strength, and given myself to God.  My failures at one point in time laughing at me because they had me defeated; wanting to give up, but today I have made a effort to tell those failures that you won that round, but you will not win the fight.  This fight of faith that I live God has the finally say.  The ministry continues to grow; my media ministry assignments continue to evolve, and I keep pressing forward to be the best that I can be to meet every challenge head on.  Uncomfortable, fear, concern I am most days, but this will not stop me from putting forth my best effort.  Today I am Armed & Dangerous because I have God on my side.  What about you?  What are you going to do today.  Rise up or run away?  Give up or keep pressing on?  I choose to stand, and continue to press and do my best.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899
Phone:  (848)222.9999

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Double For Your Trouble

Many times the challenges that we face is God's way of redirecting our lives, and taking us to new places.  What seems as a setback is God's method of catapulting us into new places.  As I reflect back of all the things that God has brought me through I must truly say that He has had His hand on my life.  I am really learning to stay in the center and not venture out on the edge where I put myself in situations that I can fall of the edge or cliff.  Life has enough trouble of its own, and today I am focusing on allowing God to direct my life.  What's interesting is that at times I really thing in my mind that I know what's best.  When I come to my senses I say what in the world was I thinking.  It has never worked out before, and I always end up coming back to the source of power God.  God has done a remarkable work in me, but I realize more and more that there is still much work left to be done.  I have had my share of trouble, but honestly God has truly repaid me double.  New places, new things, new opportunities, increased finances, new friends, and resources.  These are just a few of the things that I am believing God for these days.  The reality is that I can wait of God, but at times God is waiting on me to center myself in His grace.  I have been recently blessed with an incredible opportunity to be a part of The Art Institute of Philadelphia.  It is truly a blessing from heaven.  Double For My Trouble - the hard work, dedication, and perseverance is really paying off.  Thanks God for seeing me through.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Saturday, June 29, 2013

When Wrong Becomes Right

This past week God has shown me something within that I am taking very seriously, and adding to my tool box of life. I can take you to places you never dreamed, and do great things with your life, but the question I needed to answer would be who would I be representing.  You see it everyday on the news stations, magazines in shopping lines, and it goes viral on the internet.  People are afforded the blessing of getting to great places on the outside, but fail because they are not developed on the inside.  Sounds corny you may be saying, but think about it.  If God is going to do something with my life I come to the understanding that God wants me to grow in wisdom, and understanding.  What seems right to most people who are not in the family of God just doesn't sit right with me.  I have asked myself what am I going through God.  Am I being to hard on myself these days.  God can take us to remarkable places, but it's a place that the baggage in our lives can't go.  The luggage got to go or I will forfeit the blessing.  It becomes very difficult to rise to new places carrying around excess baggage.  I must say that opportunities for growth, advancement, and blessing is there for the taking, but who is willing to go beyond the norm to receive it.  Faith is a seed and if planted in good soil will produce an abundance.  What am I saying in this blog today?  For years I have operated in dysfunctional behaviors.  I didn't mean any harm, but it was a system of living used to protect myself from the world.  I had been hurt, misled, swindled, and the list goes on.  I had operated in those behaviors for so long that even though they were wrong they now had become right.  As I have journeyed with God things has changed big time.  I am believing that it's my season, and God is taking me to new places.  Great news, but as I elevate I want to operate and share God blessing with others.  I am letting go of some more baggage so that I can travel light.  If you are reading this blog today God is about to bless your life in a remarkable way, but what are you going to do with it.   Remember this that anything you give up for God you will get back 100% in this life.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Don't Take The Bait

I find that if I am going to be successful in my spiritual, and personal life I have to be willing to face those temptations or issues in my life that pull me off course from the direction that God is leading me.  They're times when I feel as though things are really going well in life, but beware of the traps, or how the enemy will bait me in through appealing to areas of weakness in my life.  Things at times look so appealing with the eyes, and even seems like a great opportunity, but it's a trap to take me off course.  All business is not good; just like all winks of the eye, and smiles are not innocent.  Success, and greatness has a price, and it means dealing with the chaos quickly, filtering out the good from the bad,  and not allowing myself to become entangled into webs or traps that will kill my dream or the direction God is leading me.  I can handle it; no one will know are all traps and tricks the enemy loves to feed the mind to entangle me, and take me down a road away from my  destiny.  Many times I find that I am traveling on this journey all alone even though I have many friends.  They're certain things I have had to sacrifice, walk away from, endure without telling my peers, and even smile when in much discomfort.  I have learned these things the hard way, because in my younger years I was so easily distracted by worldly things.  At times my journey gets tough, but I must say that my challenges has changed.  I have had some growing pains, but they have help develop me into a man of purpose, and responsibility.  Today I will pass on taking the bait the enemy throws my way.  I can't make any promises about tomorrow, but as for today I will pass.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Calm In The Storm "Navigating My Way Through"

Trust is not something that is given it's developed.  Through the years I ask myself what has been my most difficult challenge.  If the truth be told it's in trusting God.  Sometimes things comes in my life and appears one way to ME, but God can be using it for a vehicle of change or to challenge me in the area of my trusting Him.  Losing myself in God means allowing myself to go where He leads.  The problem that I often face is thinking or believing that it is suppose to be a particular way.  That's when my way of thinking, reasoning, and perspective becomes a problem.  God continues to challenge me in trusting Him in where He is taking me.  What appears to be a storm to me can actually be a means of God taking me towards an opportunity if I allow myself to be driven by trusting Him.  I can choose to run for the oppositions, challenges or difficulties that come my way or I can choose to get in the eye of the storm by trusting God.  God will work out the outcome for me in His favor which will display His power, and glory.  I must die to my agenda, my way, and believe that God is taking me to a  much brighter future or place.  It's very sad when we give up or walk away, because it's just not going the way that we would like it.  What's funny when I really get honest is that God is more concern with developing my character than the challenge itself.  The door usually opens when my character aligns itself up the opportunity.  Why try to kick the door in when God will open it when I am ready.  Some people look at a situation as a storm while others an opportunity.  I believe the difference lies within our perspective of who God is.  God continues to navigate me through as the responsibility level increases, and as He takes me to new places. 

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

"Get A Handle On Those Emotions"

Have you ever thought about how your emotions if not put in check can take you hostage?  As I continue to grow, and new opportunities come my way it's imperative that I take the time to develop myself on the inside as growth takes place on the outside.  New opportunities bring about added responsibility, and if we don't take the time to develop ourselves inwardly we risk blowing new opportunities that arise.  Over the years I have had my set of challenges, but what I am discovering is that with each one that I learn to work my way through it takes me higher.  I have actually failed at opportunities because I was unprepared for the responsibility, and my emotions got the best of me.  Now I can understand when we pray to God for certain things He delays the process to give us time to cultivate ourselves preparing us for the next place, venture, responsibility that we will face.  I would rather not have something if I am only going to lose it, and have God give it to me when I am ready.  You know what is even funnier to me at times in life God will bring you back to a place that you faltered, to give you an opportunity to take the test again.  It amazing when you finally get it, and the revelation comes.  I got it God - I finally got it.  I must tell you that I laugh at myself more now than I have ever done before especially when a circumstance, person, or thing gets the best of me, and I know that I lost that battle because I didn't surrender on the inside first.  I dust myself off, and say God okay teach me on the next round that I may grow in your grace.  What I have discovered is whenever we are unwilling to deal with your personal issues  in private they will embarrass you in public.  I am attending school full time, business/ministry is growing, and things in my life has changed significantly over the last year.  I am in deep waters my friends, and at times my emotions tell me I can't, but God tells me I got you my friend just keep striving.  You will be just fine.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How Do You Obtain Success?

Everyone is striving for success.  How do we obtain success I believe is the question that many of us needs answered?  Everything that we go through in life prepares us for success.  The hardships, the disappointments, the setbacks, and the failures all play a part in us reaching our goals and being successful.  These somewhat discouraging elements actually does something on the inside of us when we learn the significance of pressing forward regardless.  They build character, faith, perseverance, and the most important of them all is when we arrive to that place of added responsibility we are prepared on the inside.  I have had more disappointments this year than successes, but what's beginning to manifest is the glory of God.  God continues to keep me, provide for me, and has shown me that it's through the hardships of life that He brings about new glory.  Last week I encountered a disappointment that was a crushing blow, but I got up dusted myself off and said God let do this thing.  All thing work together for the good of those who love the Lord.  Romans 8:28.  I want to encourage someone today that regardless of what challenge you may be facing right now it's okay, and will work its way out, but don't give up.  Success is obtain through failure, and disappointment not just taking a route towards your goal, and arriving without any challenges.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Do You Hear The Cry For Help"

Many times in my journey I feel like I really am not making a difference in the lives of anyone.  Why do I continue doing what I am doing?  Does anyone really care?  Am I wasting my time?  I can't speak for anyone else, but there are times when these thoughts go through my head.  This past Sunday at church God used my pastors message to reinforce that I am impacting lives, and that people within our communities are crying out for help especially our children.  The above video will assist you in looking at your own children, and children within our communities in a different way.  It will also help you with evaluating yourself.  When I look out into our communities I see many things, but most people are more concerned with themselves than the next man.  Someone has to be concern for our children, young adults, or even people who have lost their way.  I got some work that I need to do.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Change Adds Up Into Something.........?"

Last year I decided to start taking my daily change from broken dollar bills and put it into a jar.  I never thought about how much I had I just continued the process.  One day months later while I was cleaning I tried to move the jar, and realized that I had accumulated quit a bit of change.  The small amounts that I placed in the jar over a period of time had added up in a large amount.  What I have now decided to do is take this same principle and implement it into my life.  Each day, week, and moth I strive to change a small thing about myself.  I have committed to working on this one thing for a period of time until I have mastered this change.  I then move onto something else.  This very simple principle has taken my life in a new direction mentally, physically, spiritually, and from a  business perspective.  Change can be so subtle that it can go unnoticed, but continue advancing forward and before you know it will transform your life.  I get frustrated, and discouraged at times, but it doesn't deter me from continuing to preserver.  What I can honestly say is that this method is transforming my life. "Change Adds Up Into Something Great"

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Enemy Whispers


If you are striving to achieve anything of a worthy cause you can best believe that the enemy will bring about opposition to keep you from advancing forward.  A huge plight of mine is to continue to grow in the wisdom of God, and advance my technology skillset which will  assist me in helping others to discovery God, grow personally, and advance their businesses or ministries.  I have made significant advancement, but I am learning that there is a price to pay if you are in the business of Kingdom agenda.  This past week the devil was about his business as usual whispering deceptive lies to discourage me as new opportunities are opening up.  Why are you even wasting your time with what you are doing?  No one cares about this God stuff.  You care more about people than they do about you.  Everyone is out for self while you want to help people.  The list goes on and on, but this is my point.  If I take the time to listen to this nonsense that the devil whispers from time to time he'll have me believing that I can't do what it is that God has called me to do.  Honestly I have fell for those whispers before and forfeited my blessing only to have to come back to that same point to face that challenge again.  The enemy at times bombards our mind with worthless lies to sabotage our dreams, and destiny.  I want to encourage someone today to don't believe that lies, and continue striving, seeking God, believing in your dreams or vision, and know that God will provide you with the means to take you to the place that He has predestined for you.
Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"God Has A Plan & Purpose For You"

So many of us have given up on life in some regard or another.  It's easy to recognize the homeless, drunks, or drug addicts on the street because they are visible everyday, but what about the person who has given up on love, their dream of a business, or career.  Given up on going back to school, or on their children.  Everyone has something that they have a desire for, but may be struggle with the journey of reaching their destiny or goal.  I find myself often discouraged, or frustrated, but I am learning that my hope is in God providing me with the mindset and desire of trusting His process and means of taking me the distance.  God process sometimes require that we change some things along the way.  Not that some things change for us to make us feel more comfortable.  I don't like many things today that are going on in my life, but I am trusting that God will work them out in my favor that will display His glory.  I am actually enjoying the journey, and the places and things that God continues to reveal to me daily.  I have lost friends, but gained some new ones.  Lost some accounts, but have been blessed with new opportunities.  Love ones get mad at me, but I continue loving them regardless.  Some health and financial issues has come up, but I make the adjustment to better manage my health and finances, but what's even more remarkable is that it works out all for the good, because God is in charge.  All these things takes me towards my purpose, and changes me that I am able to handle where He takes me.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Great Marketing & Evangelizing with KTW Media Ministry

Great marketing & evangelizing campaigns begin with a great strategy.  At KTW Media Ministry we'll partner with you to get the results - on time and on budget.  Our process is simple.  First, we'll get to know everything we can about your industry or ministry and unique business.  Then, we'll dig into the biggest challenges and problems, especially the ones that keep you up at night!  Next, we'll develop an insightful marketing or evangelizing strategy that will translate into executable campaign plan that fits your needs, whether short-term, long-term, or both.  From online advertising to graphic design, direct marketing and public relations, our team had decades of combined experience in helping clients get their message out there and grow their internet marketing audience.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

You Can't Give Up?

It's now about to go into the month of April, and I have face some challenges thus far this year that could bring about some discomforts, anxiety, and actually make a person want to give up.  I lost my part time job about a month ago.  I took a pastoral position at a church that didn't work out and ended last week.  This week my physician tells me that my blood pressure is a little high, and she wants to put me on medication.  What's going on God?  Some many challenges, obstacles, and difficulties.   Through all these things I can't give up.  I am believing that God is doing something special regardless of the physical challenges that I may be facing.   I am believing the best.  All my life I have chose to believe in the most outlandish things, but today I will say this that God has brought me farther trusting Him than I have ever gotten trusting anyone else or myself.  What's going to happen next I don't know, but I know this that I will follow God without trepidation or fear.  What a year thus far, but God has His own personalized plan for me, the business, and the ministry.  God will see me through, and I am expecting that God will shine His glory through this all.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What Is Normal?

What is normal?  Why want something someone else has when God has His own personal plan for you?  Today I strive to be different, and be all that I can be.  The excuses have to go. The wall of denial has to come down.  I have to continue to press forward, and be willing to step outside of my comfort zone of what we consider as a culture as normal.  I would rather die trying than not try at all.  Some things has happened to me that has not be right, but I can't use that as a excuse to live, explore, discovery, and dream.  I have to be willing to work through my personal issues to make the most of living, and enjoying life.  I challenge anyone who reads this blog to consider settle goals that require sacrifice, commitment, and dedication.  I just believe in my heart that as we press forward something remarkable happens within, and we can handle, and achieve beyond the possibilities that we limit ourselves to.  I am learning that when we are truly free it enables us to not be consumed with ourselves, and we are able to be a blessing to others within our communities, and around the world.  Our personal issues blind us to this reality, and we focus more on protecting what we consider we have when it really isn't ours to safegaurd.  We have all face challenges, disappointment, failures, but what are you gonna do about it.  I am not interested in getting my old life back, but what a new one filled with love, joy, peace, hope, and freedom.  Maybe I am just a little off my rocker these days, but I have to say I am loving every bit of it. 

Ken Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Thursday, January 31, 2013

"Preparing For The Harvest"

Have you ever thought that God has forgotten your prayer request from years ago?  Over the years I have strived to find my place.  I would always start somewhere, but find that God would used me to assist others, but it never felt like I had a home of my own.   The preparation came through me never giving up, and sharing the love of God wherever He placed me.  My understanding of ministry, and helping others has changed over the years in that I myself must be healthy, seek God personally, and believe in what God is doing in my life.  I have traveled, worked many places, but have always felt in my heart that God was developing me for a greater purpose.  I realize now that many of the challenges that I have faced God has used to develop and mature me.  This month God has moved in a remarkable way through me interacting with Pastor Denise Minyard of Spiritual Awakening Ministries.  She has offered me the opportunity to partake in her ministry as Pastor.  It comes with great responsibility, but the blessing of being able to share the love of God on a greater platform has touched my heart.  My heart and desire is that the people are able to discover the love of God.  If I can play a small part in equipping people, and building people up in God it would be an honor and privilege.  One thing I have realized today is that God will take the mess, teach us through it, and us it to reveal to us His love, and divinity.  My prayer today is that when people interact with me that they see the love of God shinning through.

KTW Ministries "Finally Free"
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Monday, January 21, 2013

"Climbing The Mountain Of Success"

Where does the struggle comes when striving to achieve any goal in life?  The struggle is what is in the heart -vs- what's in your head.  The heart tells us to move forward, but our head wants to stay where we are because of what's in our head.  When I look at my personal life today I believe in my heart that God's calling me to continue moving forward with the blueprint God has placed in my heart, but my head at times is filled with discomfort, and fears.  Relationships, business deals, obtaining new clients, dealing with finances, and this is to name a few can present some challenges.  How have I managed to continue to move forward - it's faith.  One of the greatest revelations that I have discovered is that if I want to go to new places, or reach my goals I have to put my faith in God.  Where my faith lies determines how I will deal with the inward battlees that goes on inside of me daily.  God at times does not give me all the details of where He is taking me.  He gives me what is needed for only today.  It has taugh me that I don't need to worry myself with tomarrow, but just work in faith with what goes has given me today.  Climbing the mountain at times can be painful, tiresome, and frustrating, but I am finding that if I place my faith in God I can make it just for today.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"The Next Great Bargain"

All my life I've wanted to discover myself, find my passion, and that special place.  It has been a journey of constant determination, uphill battles, and times of exuberance.  2013 is in full swing, and I am believing God for some great things this year.  I have taken the time to write down my goals for the year, and have to make a commitment within my heart that whatever comes my way that I have to be willing to trust God through, and pay my dues.  I have learned, and continue to learn that you can't get everything at a bargain price in life.  If I want a successful business, and a healthier life I must be willing to trust God, and realize that all the shortcuts lead nowhere.  No bargain deals for success, and a healthier life.  I think one of the greatest mistakes that I have made is in life is substituting things in life that I thought would bring me joy, peace, love, or success only to discover that I settled for a cheap imitation.  If I want love I must be willing to love.  If I want joy I must become joyful.  If I want peace I have to have peace myself.  So many times I have wanted something that I haven't been willing to sacrifice myself.  Today I realize that it doesn't work that way.  I love deals, and bargains, but God wants trust, and commitment.  2013 here we go.  The motto for this year is "Reaching New Heights"