The Journey For Freedom "Pastor/Motivational Speaker Kenneth Wilkins"
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Don't Take The Bait
I find that if I am going to be successful in my spiritual, and personal life I have to be willing to face those temptations or issues in my life that pull me off course from the direction that God is leading me. They're times when I feel as though things are really going well in life, but beware of the traps, or how the enemy will bait me in through appealing to areas of weakness in my life. Things at times look so appealing with the eyes, and even seems like a great opportunity, but it's a trap to take me off course. All business is not good; just like all winks of the eye, and smiles are not innocent. Success, and greatness has a price, and it means dealing with the chaos quickly, filtering out the good from the bad, and not allowing myself to become entangled into webs or traps that will kill my dream or the direction God is leading me. I can handle it; no one will know are all traps and tricks the enemy loves to feed the mind to entangle me, and take me down a road away from my destiny. Many times I find that I am traveling on this journey all alone even though I have many friends. They're certain things I have had to sacrifice, walk away from, endure without telling my peers, and even smile when in much discomfort. I have learned these things the hard way, because in my younger years I was so easily distracted by worldly things. At times my journey gets tough, but I must say that my challenges has changed. I have had some growing pains, but they have help develop me into a man of purpose, and responsibility. Today I will pass on taking the bait the enemy throws my way. I can't make any promises about tomorrow, but as for today I will pass.
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