Saturday, June 29, 2013

When Wrong Becomes Right

This past week God has shown me something within that I am taking very seriously, and adding to my tool box of life. I can take you to places you never dreamed, and do great things with your life, but the question I needed to answer would be who would I be representing.  You see it everyday on the news stations, magazines in shopping lines, and it goes viral on the internet.  People are afforded the blessing of getting to great places on the outside, but fail because they are not developed on the inside.  Sounds corny you may be saying, but think about it.  If God is going to do something with my life I come to the understanding that God wants me to grow in wisdom, and understanding.  What seems right to most people who are not in the family of God just doesn't sit right with me.  I have asked myself what am I going through God.  Am I being to hard on myself these days.  God can take us to remarkable places, but it's a place that the baggage in our lives can't go.  The luggage got to go or I will forfeit the blessing.  It becomes very difficult to rise to new places carrying around excess baggage.  I must say that opportunities for growth, advancement, and blessing is there for the taking, but who is willing to go beyond the norm to receive it.  Faith is a seed and if planted in good soil will produce an abundance.  What am I saying in this blog today?  For years I have operated in dysfunctional behaviors.  I didn't mean any harm, but it was a system of living used to protect myself from the world.  I had been hurt, misled, swindled, and the list goes on.  I had operated in those behaviors for so long that even though they were wrong they now had become right.  As I have journeyed with God things has changed big time.  I am believing that it's my season, and God is taking me to new places.  Great news, but as I elevate I want to operate and share God blessing with others.  I am letting go of some more baggage so that I can travel light.  If you are reading this blog today God is about to bless your life in a remarkable way, but what are you going to do with it.   Remember this that anything you give up for God you will get back 100% in this life.

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

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