Busy sounds really great at times, but could be the very thing that brings about a domino effect of failure. Projects, gym, speaking engagements, traveling, and meeting deadlines - these are the things that I have going on in my life today. I feel important these days. Do I need these things to go on in my life to feel or be important. Not at all. I am learning that I can become so busy that I lose myself and my identity becomes about business. Yes I do need money to pay my bills, but is it to become my life. I have the life I have because of the love of God. I need to stay focused on the blesser instead of getting consumed with the blessing. I have been feeling somewhat not connected the last week. Whenever my prayer life, devotional time, and the things that got me where I am become less important watch out. The beauty is that I recognize this, and working on making some changes in my mornings, and schedule.
Ken Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899
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