Saturday, June 8, 2013

Calm In The Storm "Navigating My Way Through"

Trust is not something that is given it's developed.  Through the years I ask myself what has been my most difficult challenge.  If the truth be told it's in trusting God.  Sometimes things comes in my life and appears one way to ME, but God can be using it for a vehicle of change or to challenge me in the area of my trusting Him.  Losing myself in God means allowing myself to go where He leads.  The problem that I often face is thinking or believing that it is suppose to be a particular way.  That's when my way of thinking, reasoning, and perspective becomes a problem.  God continues to challenge me in trusting Him in where He is taking me.  What appears to be a storm to me can actually be a means of God taking me towards an opportunity if I allow myself to be driven by trusting Him.  I can choose to run for the oppositions, challenges or difficulties that come my way or I can choose to get in the eye of the storm by trusting God.  God will work out the outcome for me in His favor which will display His power, and glory.  I must die to my agenda, my way, and believe that God is taking me to a  much brighter future or place.  It's very sad when we give up or walk away, because it's just not going the way that we would like it.  What's funny when I really get honest is that God is more concern with developing my character than the challenge itself.  The door usually opens when my character aligns itself up the opportunity.  Why try to kick the door in when God will open it when I am ready.  Some people look at a situation as a storm while others an opportunity.  I believe the difference lies within our perspective of who God is.  God continues to navigate me through as the responsibility level increases, and as He takes me to new places. 

Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

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