Sunday, December 20, 2009

"The Power Of Love"

1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

Love is a powerful force that I believe that I have disregarded for years. I think about what was the deciding factor in me changing my life. People loving me unconditionally. People demonstrating the same love that they experienced through knowing Jesus Christ. At one point in my life I was angry, resentful, and put myself above all else. I was miserable, but you would of never knew this because I masked it with work, exercise, women, and social events. Deep within I was longing for love. Not a love that the world offers, but a compassionate, and unconditional love that can only be found in Christ Jesus. I tried everything to find this love, but everything fell short. I met a group of men who began to demonstrate love to me inspite of my failures, and shortcomings. They encouraged me to study the bible with them, and something began to happen to me on the inside. I began to experience a love that was unexplainable. My life on the outside began to change because inwardly I began to let go of the anger, resentments, and bitterness. The love of Christ was like a consuming fire, and began a purification process within that continues. Love never fails we fail to love. The love of God can reach the deepest and darkest places of life and pull that individual out, and bring about a change. The power of love changes lives, restores marriages, and individuals, and gives hope to the hopeless. "THE POWER OF LOVE"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

"It's Your Time"

Zechariah 9:12
Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope: even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.

How easy is it to at times to get stuck in the past, circumstances, of the "what if's". I have come to realize that if God has placed a dream within my heart and I do not move forward to strive in the direction of my prayers or dreams than they will just remain a dream. My dream is larger than I am, therefore I can't accomplish my dream in my own strength and ability, but I still do have a responsibility. That responsibility is to seek God with all my heart, and all the other elements of life - my dreams, marriage, resources, finances, and relationships with others will fall into place. Fear comes in when I take my focus off of the source (God). I become side tracked with the things of the world which has a tendency to tell me that I can't. Life takes on a new perspective once I place my eyes on the heavens. I am ignited with a fire and passion that enables me to live above the circumstances of life, and the things around me. Going into 2010 the theme for the ministry and myself will be "It's Your Time". It's my time to excel, achieve, and to be all that I can be in Christ Jesus. I have accomplished much, but I will not settle for just that. I want to leave behind a legacy that impact people for decades to come, and I can only do that through Jesus Christ. I truly believe that if I take care of God's business He will take care of mine. "It's Your Time" to take your focus off the stuff, the worldliness, or anything that is hindering you from becoming all that you can be and place then on the living God, and He will take you to a place beyond your dreams. "It's Your Time"

Sunday, December 6, 2009


When I look back on my life I can say that I have failed more times than I have succeeded, but it's one thing that I hold onto today with my heart. I never give up. In my past I would allow my mistakes and/or failures to dominate me in a way that I would be unable to move forward because of fear, worry, or what someone would think or say. God uses our circumstances around us to make us better people. I no looker stand on the outside of anyones life and throw rocks when I should be using it as a opportunity to be a doorway to heaven, encouragement, and love. I do not know if God will have a record of my failures in heaven, but how many times I used them as learning expereinces, how many times I was willing to get up, and get back in the thick of things. Will we fail or make mistakes of course, but we must remember that failure is not the end, but the opportunity to begin again.

God Bless,
Pastor Ken W.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


When am I my strongest in life? I believe that no matter what we go through in life we are our strongest when we are praying, networking(fellowshiping), seeking God, and allowing ourselves to dies to the things of the world. I must say that I am my weakest when I began to focus to much on myself thinking only of me. I personally have been through many storms in life, but I am realizing today that many of them may not have been just for me, but to be used to strengthen others around me. Togetherness allows us not to carry our burdens alone, and enables us to see that others are going through some challenging times as well. Togetherness keeps us accountable to staying the course or on the path of righteousness. The devil can really do a work on an individual when the remove themselves from around their Christian family, friends, or network. We must position ourselves around individuals that will help us captapult ourselves to the next level of living.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

God Is Our Anchor

Every so often a storm blows our way that shakes us to the core of our being. When we think we have been through the most serve storm in our life, but days, weeks, months, or years later here comes another. This is how I feel about my life over the last couple of months. The last 3 months has been a stormy season for myself. Has it changed my perception of God? In no way, but it has given me some new revelation of the love of God for His children. I was about to give up and walk away, but something deep within kicked in. I ask myself what are you doing Kenneth - God has brought you through time and time again whether it was family issues, financial, alcohol/drugs, ministry, or marriage. The pain of trying to do it on my own and fix it myself brought me to my knees. Honestly speaking I am still not happy with where I am, and doubt if I will ever be, but my goal and agenda today is to continue to press forward in the things of God seeking Him for strength, courage, provision, and wisdom to do the job He has called me to. All praise and glory goes to the wonderful God Almight.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Shelter Of The Most High

Have you ever thought that all was lost? Have you ever thought that you couldn't make it another day? Have you ever wondered how did I get myself into this mess? NO hope, and wanting to die. Many years ago this was where I was at. I gain hope again through Jesus Christ. He became real for me when I began to get real with Him. Every so often a storm blows my way, but I have learned one valuable lesson in life. I have a shelter today in Jesus Christ - a place of refuge. Psalm 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. My goal today from my past struggles is to share the love and hope that come for knowing Jesus Christ. Do I still struggle or go through tough things - of course, its different when your source of strength comes for the Creator. I can tell you about your resources for daily living if you tell me who is your source of strength. I hurt, go through struggles, feel like giving up, have financial troubles at times, marital challenges, but what makes all the difference in the world is that I have a loving and caring God who will see me through.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Determined Purpose

This past month a catastrophic storm blew in my life, and shook me to the core of my being. I thought that I have been through the biggest storm of my life, until this past month. The circumstance completely caught me off guard, and I found myself losing my joy, and fire for God. I decided physically that I was walking away from ministry, and helping others, but deep within I felt the love of God ministering, and loving me. God has blessed me with some remarkable friends that has been loving, and encouraging me. I realized one valuable lesson from this test of faith. At some point in life we have to make a decision that we are going to move forward and live out our dreams regardless the cost. "My Determined Purpose" is not comfort, a lavish lifestyle, a mega ministry, but to know and become more like Christ. We do incredible things and rise above the circumstances of life through our relationship with Christ. We forget ourselves which allows God to work through us to reach the world for Him.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Get Out The Boat

I think about Peter in the Gospels of how he was the only one of the 12 disciples willing to get out of the boat. I was doing well for sometime, but found himself beginning to glance at the storm around him, and began to sink. He sank because he took his eyes off Jesus. Every so often I find myself look at the things around me, and talking my focus off of Jesus. I begin to sink focusing on my struggles, circumstances, and obstacles, and forgetting about the great and mighty power of God. It a wonderful lesson that we can learn about keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. God says that His grace is sufficient no matter the circumstance. I am blessed to have some wonderful people in my life that helps me navigate back on course with my focus. You can learn some remarkable things about friends, and life when a storm blows into your life. Today I will fix my eyes on Jesus.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Wow! In awe is what I am these days. Today we received the first DVD that will be launched for the month of August. We look at the beginning and we look at where God is taking us and it is unbelievable. I ask myself how are we doing this, and the answer is through the power and might of the Almighty God. I am blow away. I am thankful today that God has given me the chance to serve in reaching others for the Kingdom of God. Word cannot express how I feel today. Through it all God will be glorified. No one can't tell me that God is not real. We can hear about Him, but when we step out from where we are we gain our own experience. This is just the beginning of more great and awesome things to come. Praise and Glory goes to the Most High God. We will be selling the DVD on our eStore for $15 to help us raise money to continue other projects to reach the lost, bring healing to the hurting, and to take the gospel to the nations. We invite our friends and partners to get involved as we take the gospel to the nations. "It's All About Him"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

He Will Provide

I am learning so much these days. Life does present a variety of different challenges from health, to finances, and making daily choices that are centered around God. God proves Himself faithful time and time again. I have been feasting off some awesome teachings the last couple of days, and what is so remarkable is that even though they are different pastors and teachers they keep speaking the same Word or message in my life. My goal is to remain faithful in spite of what I see or what I go through. My prayer is that God takes the ministry, and my personal life to another level. When I say another level I do not mean financially, but resources to reach, and minister to more people. My goal and assignment is to preach and teach the Word whether in a drama skit, teaching or preaching. I speak this Word into my life daily - "This Is My Season For Increase". I really do believe this in my heart. "I received a call from my doctors today regarding the x-rays that I had done on my neck regarding the headaches. The came back negative, and I must say that I have not been having headaches lately. I have even been able to start by exercising. Praise God.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Loving Wife

I am thankful that God has blessed me with a wife that supports the dream and vision that God has placed in my heart. I can remember years ago struggling inwardly if I should marry my wife. I really thought that I was some great prize for her. Year later I find out that she was the prize for me. I make sure that I thank her daily for her love, comfort, and encouragement to continue with the plan that God has placed within my heart. Each week I share some new project, evangelism project, video production or sermon that God has placed on my heart and she simply says go for it baby if that is what God has placed within your heart regardless of how crazy it may sound. I understand today that God has blessed me with someone that fits the plan and purpose that He has placed within my heart. Pastors has a tendency to like to do all the talking, but my wife says very nicely at times "baby don't you think you have done enough talking in one day". Her life displays her selflessness that amazes me, and helps me stay focused on God's agenda in my own life.

Friday, July 17, 2009

On A Mission

Within my heart I have so many ideas about reaching people for Christ. I started something new - I keep a pen and pad close by all the time and as thoughts and ideas come I jot them down. At times God gives me a sermon, idea, quote, or message during the course of the day. I told my wife today that I have truly launched out into the deep. I say this because everything that I do I feel these days I really find myself totally depending on God and not my personal talents. My talents can only get me but so far, but at some point I have to let go of myself and let God have His way. I am pressing forward, and on a mission for God. As God imparts me with wisdom - my vision is to share this with the world. All my life I have settled - but today I am striving for the Almighty God to do and go farther and accomplish beyond my eyes and mind can see and comprehend.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Majority of the devotionals that I write about are actually where God has me studying or focusing on at that particular time. Over the past two weeks I must say that I have been facing some discouragement. Discouragement does not mean that something has to be going on all that catastrophic, but could be a result of my thinking. I must admit that my thinking at times does get the best of me. That is why it is important that I stay personally connected to God. With all the busyness I could actually forget about personally relationship. Finances, health, and other goals had began to infiltrate my thoughts. My doctors appointment went well, and I have been feeling great. What has been my source of a new attitude this week in my continuance in the Word of God. I have been preparing to do a message on perseverance, and boy have I had to put this message into practice. I started a new project today that we will take into the month of August. We will be launching our 1st DVD in August, and I am excited, but we will also be producing more video and audio in the coming months. I am ready again to get in the ring and go a couple of rounds, but I better make sure that I consult, and depend on God. What a remarkable journey this is.

Friday, July 10, 2009

"When The Enemy Attacks"

Life is constantly changing and at times it can present some fears. I have noticed that my circle of Christian friends has changed. It hurts at times when you think that you would receive support and encouragement from a particular group of friends who helped you in the early years, and now they seem so distant. It has brought some concerns, and the enemy has used this to attack my thinking. I want them to be closer, but we are in different places in Christ. I believe that at times God places new friends who are moving in the same direction you are because old ones has a tendency to become stagnate and complacent in the old. This week also presented some challenges with my health. I have been having some bad headaches, and pains in the back of my neck. One of the days this week I couldn't even work. I will be going to the doctors to get examined today - Friday. This had me down for a moment, but today as I was preparing for my teaching God spoke a Word that ignited a fire within my heart. If God has brought me this far He will take me the rest of the way. I will press on my friends in Christ Jesus.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wherever God Guides He Provides

My dreams for the ministry is much larger than I am. How is this vision and dream that I have for the ministry going to become a reality? At times I have a difficult time explaining want is in my heart. God continues to give me peace that He will provide for the vision. I do not have the money or resources for all that God has shown me with the media ministry, but He continues to provide for each project that He places within my heart. God continues to reorganize everything in my life from my friends to the direction that He leads, and I want to move out of the way that He may have His way. I must admit that I am really in the deep waters these days, and my dependence is upon His shoulders. I really feel small these days. I have been asking God to show me how do I accomplish His plan and He shows me that I am very small, and I need to get out the way and allow Him to have His way. I am just working on building my relationship, and the rest is up to God.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting Into The Trenches

Ministry is more than wearing the pretty suits, making videos, audio cd's, and speaking in front of large congregations. The heart of ministry is getting into the trenches to reach others for Christ. Ministry is being willing to get dirty, and get into the trenches with the the world around you to show them love. This 4th of July I got dirty to reach people within the community. I remember someone showing me unconditional love when I felt like all hope was lost for me. I keep that memory fresh in my mind. My goal with Finally Free Ministry is letting people know that wherever you are in life help is available in Jesus Christ. I have those high moments where I want to just keep what God has blessed me with to myself, but God blesses me to give to others. My goal is to take the gospel to the world. I must say that it is not easy every day, but I pray for strength, courage, wisdom, and resources to continue this remarkable journey.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Call To Perseverance

This week I came across a scripture that I have been meditating on all week. Hebrews 11:8 By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. God has placed a dream within my heart about this ministry, and I must continue to strive, and persevere. I must really say that this is a faith walk. I mean that faith has to be able to see the invisible, and strive to accomplish what most people call the impossible. I am realizing more and more how people who accomplish great things and leave behind legacies are individual who see what most people do not see. They see the business, ministry, degree or invention before it comes into fruition. I have three speaking engagements coming up, but have been at a lost for words the past day just from being caught up in the wonder and presence of God. My prayer is that God takes me, and does with me what He wants. At times I believe we say the words, but have not really thought about the significance of that statement.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Heavenly Life

God has shown me something that I have been holding onto for some time now. I do not have to wait to die to experience heaven. By living for Him I can experience the blessing of Heaven now. If I exercise a little faith I will go to Heaven, but if I exercise much I will bring Heaven down do me right now. Life passes by very quickly, and I ask myself what is God calling me to do right now. When I step out into the things of God - I have a Heavenly experience with Him. It's an experience that I can not create on my own only through losing myself in the things of God. What I am saying is that when I give of myself to God I discover and experience a taste of Heaven. Why wait when I can experience God and the Heavenly life now? The choice is mine.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let Go & Let God

The mind plays so many tricks that we must be careful. The minds tells us at times that it is better to to back to where we come from than to move forward in what God is showing and doing in our lives. They are some many days that I can sense God's presents challenging me to continue to step out in faith - continue moving forward. I may not be able to see where He is taking me with the natural eyes, but in my spirit it's telling me that it a place that my mind can't yet understand, or phantom. They question that I face daily is are you will to let go "Kenneth" and give yourself totally to God. My spirit speaks saying "where God wants to take you can't compare to where you've been. I live each day with expectancy, and anticipation of God's glory being revealed in my life. The journey brings challenges, and opposition, but it a journey that I am beginning to understand that God has His hand on my life, and will never leave me or forsake me. Let Go & Let God is the word of the day for me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Turning Point

Someone asked me a question. What was the turning point in my life? I really use to believe that I was living a successful, and glorious life living for myself. Everything that I did, and all my goals were centered around me. Me, Me, Me was how I live. Instant gratification. I could not accomplish any long turn goals because I always wanted instant results. I began working, and centering myself around people who showed me a different type of love. A love that was not based on my performance, or what I could do for them. It was the love of Christ. How did this change my life you may be asking? Many people go to church, and read their bibles which is great, but what happen was someone began to explain and show me how powerful the bible becomes when we live what it teaches. My attitude changed which affected my outlook on life. I was no longer consumed or a prisoner of my past or who I use to be, but was set free by the power of the Word of God. It was not a overnight process, but I made a decision within myself that I wanted what God has for me instead of settling for lies, and tricks of the enemy. I have made a decision to strive, and press forward each day regardless the challenges or struggles that I may face. It's a sad thing when we become a prisoner of our past. When we allow our past to cripple our dreams, and ambition for the future. When our best days are behind us and not in front of us. We all have a story, but when we connect and live for God it becomes His glory.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Be All That You Can Be

Years ago I was in the military and one of the tag lines was to "be all that you can be". That is goal and motto that I live by today. I use to live an afraid insecure life. You may not have noticed it by the way that I carried myself on the outside, but on the inside I was fragile, and filled with hurts and pains that I mask with stuff. I finally broke free and found healing and restoration through building a new life in Christ Jesus. Through all the new life experiences - the good along with the struggles this has been a remarkable journey. Today I strive to be all that I can be which is to live by faith and not by sight. So many of us have a dream within, but few are willing to step out and move in direction of that dream. When I look back on life I don't want to say what I should of did, or could of did I want to be able to say that I at least strived to be the best that I could be.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


A dear friend of mine Manny Alvarez has gone home to be with the Lord this week. He was 82 years old. He lived a life that touched the lives of many. I am privileged and honored to be teaching at the Christian Rehabilitation Center that he started many years ago. This man went from an ex-heroine addict in the streets of New York City to leaving behind a legacy that will touch the lives of people for decades to come. What grabs my attention is what was the compelling force within that changed his life? His life changed than he changed the world around him in which he lived. The Power of Jesus Christ. No one is ever the same once they tape into this power. As I move forward in ministry, and with my life my prayer is that God endows me with His power to lead, and usher others into His presence. Today I am learning to stop and smell the roses, and realize that each day has meaning, and purpose when I allow God to have His way in my life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Family Matters

Dealing with family may be one of the toughest aspects of ministry, because they are dear to your heart. Like everything else they must be prayed for, and lifted up to God. One of my prayers is that God touches the lives of the members of my family. My prayer has been that each one experience the love of Christ, and are saved in the family of God. My family is changing and I want to thank God. I have been taking the lead, and sharing the love of Christ, and communicating with each one. I must remember always that I can not change anyone, but only share the love of God and His Word. If not careful I can get caught up in my feelings and emotions when dealing with family because of the love that I have for them. Within the next couple weeks I will have them visiting me, and I am very excited - but what is more important than my excitement is that they experience the love of Christ. God continues to open up opportunities for me to share the love of Christ in so many ways, and it is a blessing, but also a responsibility that I must stay before Him about. They're some events and activities that are coming up with the ministry, and in my personal life that I have been seeking God to show up, and show out in. I am learning the importance of including God in everything that is done - remarkable results begin to occur. I want to thank God this morning for beginning to bring healing and restoration within my family. Family Matters.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Leaving Behind A Legacy

God is showing me that life is about building relationships. Nothing else is more important. Everything else fades, but what last is relationships that we build throughout our lives. As the ministry continues to grow, and God opens new opportunities for the ministry we want to build relationships with people and I believe the influence begins when they experience something different about you. At times I do struggle, but what keeps me going is that I don't live for myself anymore. It's scary at times for me because I sense God calling my to continue to step out into the deep. I am willing to sacrifice all for the sake of reaching others for Christ. I can't explain it - but that is where God is taking me more and more each day that I follow. I do not know all the answers, but I am willing, and I know someone who know all things. I truly believe that as we venture out into the deep we become vulnerable because we begin to bring down the walls to allow others to enter our world. My dependence has to be on God for protection, guidance, and provision. What I find remarkable is what God is revealing to me inwardly - it keeps me in awe, and is blowing me away. As I grow in God's Word - He gives me insight to take the gospel to the world, and build relatonships leaving behind a legacy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jumping Into The Deep

This morning I am up early seeking God in prayer, and in bible study. Last night my heart was on reaching people for Christ. What good is it for me to be in ministry if we are not reaching people, sharing God's Word, and loving others? I do not want this ministry to be just a ministry in title only. Every so often God places someone on my mind. It is now my sister. She is a sweet young lady who has been trying to find her way. It has been tough since her divorce. Not financially, but inwardly. Some of us know that feeling of emptiness. She will be visiting me in Florida next week, and my prayer is that she experience the love of Christ. My prayer is that she can begin a new chapter in her life of freedom. You know what drives me in ministry - I remember that feeling of emptiness, and worthlessness when all the crowds where gone - when I was all alone. My goal is that as seek God and experience more of Christ in my life that I share it with others in whatever way that the ministry can be creative. God has been moving me within to launch out deeper for Him, and I must. It's all about Him - I can do this - I will do this, because I love Him so.

Monday, June 8, 2009

We Did It!

Sunday nights is the end of the week because I am my busiest during the weekend. We completed our first video production today, and I really had a wonderful time doing so. I felt the presence of God, and thankful that God has blessed us with the remarkable opportunity. We made some mistakes today that I can laugh at, but it was mistakes with trying to make sure that we did a wonderful job that people will be touched by the Word of God. Life is the best for me when I am creating new memories by stepping out in faith into something new. My wife made me laugh so hard today when she kept fumbling over the same word or phrase and she got upset with us because we kept being patient with her. We loved her through. It was that she was so serious for a second there and forgot about the fun of being on the team of God. There is always a learning curve with everything that we do new. That is the joy in the journey. We should never allow mistakes or fear to keep us from moving forward with new things in Christ.

Friday, June 5, 2009

DVD/CD Preparation

Well this week has been about preparation for another cd, and stepping out into something new - the production of a dvd. I think to myself how God is the master teacher. Last month I did a teaching on trust, and now I have to put the very teaching that I taught on into action in my very own life. I am learning how God prepares for each new level or step that we must take. I am very grateful for all that God has done, and continues to do in my life, and the ministry. God keeps teaching me the value and importance of trusting Him for guidance, provision, and understanding of His word. Everything that we do should go through Christ. At times I do become concerned about certain things, but I must take my concerns to God. God provides the people, and the know how for everything that He sets in motion, and I am learning how we give birth to new dreams and visions is by stepping out in faith - what God reveals to us within our heart, and God will meet us. I think to myself how I do not want to be someone who looks back and say to himself if only I would of at least tried I wonder what would of happened. I want to be someone who says I tried, and what a remarkable experience I had in the Lord. How can someone fail when the put God first in their life. I don't think so. Here we go again. Praise God.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I am learning new things each day. Life becomes one big learning experience. I learn new things through each experience that takes place in life. I call it discovery. My relationship with God can be summed up in one word DISCOVERY. I do not like when things are reveal about myself that I need to change, but at the same time it is a blessing because I have an opportunity to make changes to improve my life. Last week my thoughts took me places I did not like, but this week I have a opportunity to make adjustments to improve my week, and it starts with me looking inward. I use to say that life is challenging, and it is. I am learning that the biggest challenge in life is myself. Keeping It Real With Myself! I do not strive for quantity these days, but quality. The things (stuff) will come, and go, but if I can improve the quality of my life just maybe I can have an positive effect on someone else and help them along in this journey.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Beauty Of Challenges

No one likes challenges, but I am learning to use them to evaluate my Christian walk. My personal challenges has enabled me to see areas of life the needs improvement, and changes that need to be made. This week I have faced some inward battles with self. At times if not careful I can easily get caught up in my "Rights". What I want for myself, and what I am entitled to. A very dangerous place to be. I drifted there this week, and God always has a remarkable way of bringing it to the light which He did through my quiet time. I love it when God reveals something within myself. I say that I love it because I truly want to change. I am afraid if I don't I will become a prisoner of self. Challenges are tough, but very much needed to grow in our walk with Christ. At times I can really sense the urgency of how much I really need Christ. This week as I was taking a closer look at myself I realize I am really small in comprehension, and statue. This really keeps me humble, and blessed to be of service of God. God is doing some remarkable things within the ministry as in June we are marching forward with a new project in DVD Production. We have been blessed, and the more we grow it seems the smaller I get. As I close this blog I must say that I am truly grateful these days for the love, and compassion of God.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Running The Race

You know what have been on my mind lately. Reaching more people for Christ. I am thankful for everything that God has done for me, and the ministry. Words cannot express my gratitude. As I continue in this journey it seems each time I think that I can take a deep breath God places something else on my heart to venture out into. I know that it is God because it have nothing to do with me, and everything to do with Him. The month of May have been the "I Will Trust You" month. I did a series on the topic, and as we continue to grow personally, and spiritually, the ministry does as well. The trusting that I am speaking of today is that as we move forward in what God places on our heart we believe that He will meet the need. How many times do we feel the nudge of God in a particular area of our lives, but do nothing. They're is a time to be patient, but also a time to press forward. I have been doing a little more praying these days, and much more seeking God.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I Will Trust You

"I Will Trust You" have been the theme for the month of May, and I have learned so much from studying trust, and preparing two CD Teachings. This month has been remarkable. God has now presented another opportunity for our ministry to expand. I truly believe that it is one of the largest opportunities that has come our way. Streaming Faith has offered us an opportunity to reach more people across the globe the Video On Demand. We are in the process of starting DVD production, but now the will be able to be seen all over the world. The ministry is growing by leaps and bounds. I will be in prayer about everything that is taking place. I am excited, but want to make sure that I am staying within God's plan. I am grateful with everything that is happening. I was so tired just from ministry over the weekend that I had to take a nap Monday afternoon. I must say that I am living my dream. We conclude the weekend we did the conclusion to "I Will Trust You" Part 2. I was blown away how God showed up. All I can say is WOW!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Up Early Seeking God

I am charged and ready to go today. I rose early to spend time praying and seeking God. I have to teach a class today at New Hope Corp. and I will be talking about trusting God. Staying connected is half the battle. I am learning if I just stay connected God will get me to where He wants me to be. The more I learn about God and how great He is the smaller I realize that I am. There are so many prayer request, and things to be thankful for. Here I go again. Another glorious day seeking and living for God.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Whispers Of The Enemy

Every so often I can feel the enemy breathing down my neck. I can not speak for anyone else, but there are times when I can feel the opposition of the enemy in my life. In my past it use to bring about doubt and fear, but today it takes me to my knees. The most dangerous times in life for me is when things are going well. My challenge today is remaining discipline, and focused on the assignment that God has given me. What helps me stay focused is realizing that I am not living my life just for me, and I cannot accomplish anything without God being first in my life. With every new venture, or assignment that God calls me to the enemy comes in whispering lies. I think of the Apostle Paul when he ask the thorn to removed from his side. God said my grace is sufficient. My first and daily assignment is that I build upon my relationship with God, and that gives me the strength and empowerment to accomplish the task He has given me to do.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Reaching Others For Christ

Now that I am settled in from vacation I am looking for direction from God as where does He wants the ministry to go. Our primary purpose is to reach others for Christ. In June we will be looking to implement Video Productions on the website, and Youtube. We will also be sending out DVD teachings to our partners, and will have them available on the ministry eStore. With each new endeavor resources are needed, but we are believing that God will provide as He guides us. We spoke with Homestead YMCA looking to put together an community event in the month of July. We have been blessed to have partnered with several companies that have been remarkable with helping us reach others for Christ. I am excited about what is taking place in the ministry, and believing that God is taking us somewhere we have never dreamed. If we take care of God's business God will most definitely take care of ours.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Back In Action

The vacation is over even though I do not feel it was all a vacation. My wife and I was exhausted from all the traveling, and ministering, and visiting family members. It was tiresome, but very rewarding inwardly. We thank God for allowing us to visit so many places and pass out books, and teaching CD to many. God continues to blow me away with the way that He empowers inwardly, and provides outwardly for His mission and plan that He has for us to accomplish. I can remember the days of walking in doubt, and uncertainty, but today I step out even if I do not understand because God is proving Himself to be faithful. I say this often - that I do not need to know all the answers because I know someone who does. Last night I went to bed at 3:30am, and tonight will be another late night preparing for tomorrows CD teaching "I Will Trust You". I am believing that this CD is going to be anointed and touch the lives of many. It has touched my life just preparing it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

An Invite By Princeton University

Each day of this vacation we have been in some other city visiting someone. Today we are afforded the opportunity to be blessed to attend a fund raiser hosted by Princeton University - Trenton Afterschool Program. Pastor Ken's aunt Tina Blackledge has been running this program for years. This fund raiser will consist of children performing, and a dinner. Tomorrow we will be leaving, but will host a cookout inviting old friends, and relatives. This vacation has been remarkable, and has given us the opportunity to spend time with friends, supporters, partners, and family abroad.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Visting Family & Sharing The Gospel

We were in Asbury Park, New Jersey today visiting my wife's dad, and aunt. Her father is a 76 years old cancer survivor, and he doing well. We had an opportunity to hand out some books today "Get Smart", and share the CD "The Truth Will Set You Free". We were touched today because we are living in Florida, but were blessed to see how the ministry is touching people lives in New Jersey through the website, and CD teachings. Today we will be heading to Philadelphia, PA to see my brother Darnell Wilkins family. This vacation has prompted the May CD teaching to be about trusting God. I am learning the importance of trusting God. He will take you on a journey of a lifetime through trusting Him. My vision for the ministry is very simple to share the love of Christ with the world, and to be willing to go where He directs the ministry. I am buckling my seat belt because I am preparing for what's next. If God is orchestrating things it will be an adventure of a lifetime.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spending Time With Family

We made it safely to New Jersey, and yesterday my wife and I were completely exhausted from all the driving from Florida. We stopped in Savannah, GA to visit some old friends, and I must say that it is wonderful to connect with old friends to encourage, and love on them. I am haven't seen my family members in our 2 years. I have learned over the years how to love each particular family member right where they are. Good, bad, or indifferent. That enables me to love the without any conditions. My goal while while visiting on this vacation is that the love of Christ is seen as I visit each family member and friend.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Finally Free Vacation

What a awesome time we are having on this vacation? On Saturday we went to the Holy Land Experience in Orlando, Florida, and we had an experience of a lifetime. We met wonderful people, and saw the power of God transforming the world. God Word is going into other countries and places and impacting people lifestyles, and cultures. This Sunday morning we are headed to Destiny Church with Pastor Zachery Tims. We are praying that God uses our ministry to minster to the world to express and share His awesome love with everyone. We are blessed to be experiencing this awesome love of God of our 6 anniversary in our marriage. One day of this vacation has blown me away, and I can't wait to see what else God has in store for my family, and ministry.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Take A Deep Breath

I want to make it a habit to blog every week. The last past week I must say that I have truly been busy. I am learning to prioritize much better. Ministry is a wonderful thing, but I can not depend upon myself, but God. Prayer is so important. Focusing on the task at hand helps me to accomplish so many task. There can be distractions. God continues to bless the ministry. My wife will be taking a trip at the end of this week up the East Coast. We are excited. We both need a getaway, but the ministry travels where we go. We are praying that as we travel that God displays His anointing power through our lives. There will be many people that we will see that we have not seen in some time, and we want to the love of Christ to overflow into their lives. Thank you Jesus for this opportunity. Evangelizing, preaching, teaching, and living the Word of God.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I haven't blogged in a while. This past Easter Holiday I was extremely busy, but it was fun working with people, and seeing people smile, and come to Christ. I was a remarkable weekend, and God continues to reveal things to me that blow me away. I was sluggish yesterday due to me being tired from the weekend, but I did a good job working today, and I am proud of myself. I have much more work to be done this week so I better get some rest. We pray that God continues to show us favor in advancing the ministry. With all the business I continue to remind myself the importance of my relationship with Christ. That is the only thing that keeps me going these days.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Keep Striving

Wow! I haven't blogged in a couple days. I have been busy. When am I not busy. The ministry continues to grow, and evolve, but the ministry is not my concern. My concern is myself. What energizes me, and keeps me going is my connection to Christ. I say that with serious conviction today. God is opening up some awesome doors that I never dreamed of, but the key to walking through those doors is staying connected to the source. My life has not been easy, but the journey is paying off. My journey continues to teach me to keep my eyes on God, and not man. I have worked out the CD Media issues, and now we have implemented adding people to a mailing list to send more people CD to ministry to them regarding the gospel. We are believing that God will provide additional resources to reach more people. We continue to add new aspects to the ministry. We now will be working with other businesses, and ministries developing websites. This will broaden our outreach at a low cost which will open doors for us to minister. God we pray that you continue to let your light shine on Finally Free Ministry.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Taking A Deep Breath

I went to bed at 1:30am and was up by7am ready to go. I am going to be doing some sermon preparation, and uploading some more devotionals for the month of April. Today, I am praying that things are really slow. It gives me time to meditate of God, and when I do this I usually get some clarity on things going on in my personal life. I do my very best to keep the focus on myself, and not become consumed with people, and things around me. I am not Mr. Fix It, that is God specialty, not Ken's. Everything is set for the Month of April, but I have some small details I must finish. Here I go - Praise God for His grace...

Monday, March 30, 2009


This morning I am putting together the finally preparations to do my next CD recording for the month of April. I really haven't slept all night. I have been preaching to myself for the past two days. I get very excited, but know the importance of speaking before a crowd about the Word of God. I am the jolly type of guy until I have to speak. My prayer this morning is that God shows up and show our today at this engagement. God will show up, and speak through myself to deliver a message of Christ. God wants "Yes" from us pertaining to stepping out in the things of God. Finally Free Ministry is on the move once again. The CD will be available to be listened to on the website, and purchase in the eStore April 1st.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Terrible Mistake

I must really say that my early mornings are very important. Yesterday morning I got caught up with activities and didn't spend the quality time in quiet time that I usually do. Its actually funny when I look back on yesterday how I got consumed with one task after another until it was 1am in the morning. This morning I will be doing some fasting for preparation of two speaking engagements coming up. I don't like fasting, but it really helps me with my focus. With all the rutcus I am very excited about ministry these days. Well I better get going with my quiet time with God.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I made it through another day. Praise God. I had a busy date like never before and I haven't accomplished all that I wanted to do. I had to confront the CD Media Company today and received a refund on my money due to their lack of professionalism. It was good, because through Christ Fellowship I have been blessed with a remarkable company. It times their is so much to learn, so many things to do and it really help me understand my desperate need for Christ. God has been getting every little bit our of me these days. We have some new wonderful ideas for the website that we are implementing. We will now offer website development services to help small to medium size companies with their business and ministries. We will include also a new page called "Spiritual Advice from "Rev. James Sanders. He is one of my spiritual advisers and have been a pastor for many years. I think I better go to bed to get ready to do this all over again tomorrow. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Handling Challenges

Well I guess I am in the midst of a challenge or some decision making. The production manager for our Media CD Ministry is not a reliable person. The question that I have been pondering in my mind is how should I go about handling the situation. I have looked into someone else performing the task, but I believe their plate is full, and constantly use the word busyness for not responding timely. The problem that I am facing is that the person that I want to do the task is to busy to even respond to discuss moving forward with business. Tomorrow my a recording session suppose to take place, but I will push it back to resolve these issues before moving forward. What bothers me the most is that I am finding that most people these days are really taking advantage of a disastrous economy by over charging for their services. Before I move forward I am praying for a Word for God.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Keeping Focus

I was very productive today. My day is now coming to a close. I have spent approximately 10 hours on my computer today preparing for the month of April. I have a problem that I have been trying to deal with. My production company professionalism has pushed me to far. I can even get the product on a timely manner which places us in a situation that jeopardizes our integrity . I have a friend that will suppose to be taking over. I am currently on a time schedule with the new fundraiser in process, and the month of April around the corner. Don't tell me that we do not have opposition when trying to move forward in anything positive. Tomorrow is another day. I have to start preparing two sermons for the end of the week. I need another couple of hours added to my day.


Monday morning - lets get charged up at centered. My day begins with putting on some music from My favorites are Skekinah Glory, Chris Tomblin, and Deitrick Haddon. I pray and spend some time in meditation. A good form of meditation for me is reading Proverbs. My realtionship and connection to everything in my life is in direct proportion to my relationship to God. Sounds corney, but this has changed my life. I usually check my emails after this and post any new items on the website. I usually get questions in my email and events, speaking engagements, or prayer request that I go over. I will be mailing out some CD Teachings this morning to some friends in Texas, and New Jersery, and North Carolina. Well lets see how things go. I am rested and ready to take on my day. One last comment I would like to interject this morning is that relationship with God allows me to have a relationship with myself, and than I can be effective with others. Peace

Sunday, March 22, 2009

There Is Hope!!!!

It's now 8:40 pm and I am still going. I woke up this morning at 7:00 after going to bed at 2pm. Many times I will begin a new project, and the excitement will keep me going. I just love when God shows me something new, or how to do something I have been doing a better way. The wonderful thing about following Christ is that at times I find myself pushing myself, but boy it is a joy when God shows up and gives you that extra strength to go on. I am excited as I go into this week. I spoke with some new production and media people today after church, and they informed me that they will be able to help me with production of bible studies, and improve my current CD ministry. I will be able to produce more to a better price, and the quality will also improve. Media ministry is always changing. I am also impressed with the website as it has changed again. The pictures and content are becoming more effective to reach and help others. I do not have much help right now in our ministry, but people are showing up to help a brother out. We have made plans to travel to New Jersey in April. It will be a road trip where we will stop a couple places to share the gospel. I have to go do some more work before bed. Finally Free Ministry on the move.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Balance, Balance, Balance

I woke up at 6pm this morning after going to bed at 1:30pm. I attended a 7am Saturday morning men bible study. The study last until 9pm. I wanted to take a nap upon arriving back home, but I thought of some task to do. Is there ever not another task. My "To Do List" seems never to get smaller. There is always something to add to the list. I am working on the internet, washing clothes, and lifting weights all at the same time. I forgot to mention that I have been on the phone for about 2 hours as well. This is what we call multitasking. This afternoon I have to attend church to be the MC for the children ministry. Balance is always on my mind during the day. Some days I do well, and others I blow it. What remains most important in my daily planning is that I spend time with God in prayer and study. Everything works around that. Balance, balance, and more balance. Maybe I need to ASK God for 24 hour days to be adjusted to 36.

Pastor Ken

Friday, March 20, 2009


They are times when I just feel like I have nothing left. I feel sapped, but God gives me what I need to complete the task. Creativity, ideas for ministry, family life, teaching, and more projects can begin to consume a person if not careful. At times I feel these pressures. The thing with ministry is staying before God to receive direction. I am learning that the joy is in the journey - the good times, the struggles, the bleeps, and blunders all play a significance towards God shaping and molding me to use me for His plan and purpose.

Rising Above Life Challenges

Each day I ask myself what is keeping me going. At times I want to give up. At times I want to just walk away, but something inside of me continues to keep me going. At times my spirit is telling me to get on my knees and pray, but I just want to be still and begin to meditate. Where am I going? What am I doing? I became ordain back in December and have committed to helping and reaching others for Christ. WOW! Not that simple. Each day is a fight. Each day I find myself understanding a little more the importance of God. I really can make it without Him. I am realizing just how limited I truly am. Some days I feel like a complete idiot. Each day that I make it through my life touches someone watching from a distance and gives them the courage to reach for the stars. I am finding that I can make it another moment, another minute, another hour, and another day when it is not about me