Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Handling Challenges

Well I guess I am in the midst of a challenge or some decision making. The production manager for our Media CD Ministry is not a reliable person. The question that I have been pondering in my mind is how should I go about handling the situation. I have looked into someone else performing the task, but I believe their plate is full, and constantly use the word busyness for not responding timely. The problem that I am facing is that the person that I want to do the task is to busy to even respond to discuss moving forward with business. Tomorrow my a recording session suppose to take place, but I will push it back to resolve these issues before moving forward. What bothers me the most is that I am finding that most people these days are really taking advantage of a disastrous economy by over charging for their services. Before I move forward I am praying for a Word for God.

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