Friday, March 4, 2011


What's going on these day? Well I believe that the adjustment to New Jersey is going well. I do not like the cold whether, but I do miss the change of the seasons. I have much that I have been praying about, and much that has come my way in a short time. With every blessing their remains responsibilities. This week I got a little upset with myself. I got caught in my emotions several times that took me out of the peace of God. I had a lesson on handling my emotions, and not allowing myself to get caught up in my past circumstances. What happened was I began to see a circumstance to develop that reflected a past situation that hurt my feelings. I immediately went into defense mode. Saying things that I did not mean, and finding myself losing my peace, and was miserable for most of the day. Now that I am on the other side of the dilemma as I look back I say OK Ken you lost that one, but I am still in the game because of grace. I have some opportunities that have presented itself, and I have made it my business to take them before the Lord before I make any move. I heard a couple great sermons this week that I believe God was speaking directly to me. Ezekiel when he walk through the valley of dry bones. He prophesied to those bones, and they came to life. I have some dead areas in my life that I am prophesying over and believing that God will bring them to life. Also I heard a remarkable sermon about keeping my peace. Both these sermons was needed as I enter this weekend. My auntie and I will be attending my daughters wedding this week. I am excited for her, and blessed to have a daughter that loves the Lord, and have a determined spirit. Dealing with my emotions can be difficult at times, because I love hard, and give much of myself away. What keeps me centered is the Word, therefore I must continually meditate, and seek God. I am in uncharted waters these days, and if not grounded the devil tries to attack with fear. What most important is that I stay connected to God, and allow Him to direct my life. He is in control, and whatever He has for me is for me. This is my year of extraordinary blessing, resources, and the out pouring of the spirit that will enable me, and the ministry to bless others. - Amen -