Monday, March 30, 2009


This morning I am putting together the finally preparations to do my next CD recording for the month of April. I really haven't slept all night. I have been preaching to myself for the past two days. I get very excited, but know the importance of speaking before a crowd about the Word of God. I am the jolly type of guy until I have to speak. My prayer this morning is that God shows up and show our today at this engagement. God will show up, and speak through myself to deliver a message of Christ. God wants "Yes" from us pertaining to stepping out in the things of God. Finally Free Ministry is on the move once again. The CD will be available to be listened to on the website, and purchase in the eStore April 1st.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Terrible Mistake

I must really say that my early mornings are very important. Yesterday morning I got caught up with activities and didn't spend the quality time in quiet time that I usually do. Its actually funny when I look back on yesterday how I got consumed with one task after another until it was 1am in the morning. This morning I will be doing some fasting for preparation of two speaking engagements coming up. I don't like fasting, but it really helps me with my focus. With all the rutcus I am very excited about ministry these days. Well I better get going with my quiet time with God.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I made it through another day. Praise God. I had a busy date like never before and I haven't accomplished all that I wanted to do. I had to confront the CD Media Company today and received a refund on my money due to their lack of professionalism. It was good, because through Christ Fellowship I have been blessed with a remarkable company. It times their is so much to learn, so many things to do and it really help me understand my desperate need for Christ. God has been getting every little bit our of me these days. We have some new wonderful ideas for the website that we are implementing. We will now offer website development services to help small to medium size companies with their business and ministries. We will include also a new page called "Spiritual Advice from "Rev. James Sanders. He is one of my spiritual advisers and have been a pastor for many years. I think I better go to bed to get ready to do this all over again tomorrow. Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Handling Challenges

Well I guess I am in the midst of a challenge or some decision making. The production manager for our Media CD Ministry is not a reliable person. The question that I have been pondering in my mind is how should I go about handling the situation. I have looked into someone else performing the task, but I believe their plate is full, and constantly use the word busyness for not responding timely. The problem that I am facing is that the person that I want to do the task is to busy to even respond to discuss moving forward with business. Tomorrow my a recording session suppose to take place, but I will push it back to resolve these issues before moving forward. What bothers me the most is that I am finding that most people these days are really taking advantage of a disastrous economy by over charging for their services. Before I move forward I am praying for a Word for God.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Keeping Focus

I was very productive today. My day is now coming to a close. I have spent approximately 10 hours on my computer today preparing for the month of April. I have a problem that I have been trying to deal with. My production company professionalism has pushed me to far. I can even get the product on a timely manner which places us in a situation that jeopardizes our integrity . I have a friend that will suppose to be taking over. I am currently on a time schedule with the new fundraiser in process, and the month of April around the corner. Don't tell me that we do not have opposition when trying to move forward in anything positive. Tomorrow is another day. I have to start preparing two sermons for the end of the week. I need another couple of hours added to my day.


Monday morning - lets get charged up at centered. My day begins with putting on some music from My favorites are Skekinah Glory, Chris Tomblin, and Deitrick Haddon. I pray and spend some time in meditation. A good form of meditation for me is reading Proverbs. My realtionship and connection to everything in my life is in direct proportion to my relationship to God. Sounds corney, but this has changed my life. I usually check my emails after this and post any new items on the website. I usually get questions in my email and events, speaking engagements, or prayer request that I go over. I will be mailing out some CD Teachings this morning to some friends in Texas, and New Jersery, and North Carolina. Well lets see how things go. I am rested and ready to take on my day. One last comment I would like to interject this morning is that relationship with God allows me to have a relationship with myself, and than I can be effective with others. Peace

Sunday, March 22, 2009

There Is Hope!!!!

It's now 8:40 pm and I am still going. I woke up this morning at 7:00 after going to bed at 2pm. Many times I will begin a new project, and the excitement will keep me going. I just love when God shows me something new, or how to do something I have been doing a better way. The wonderful thing about following Christ is that at times I find myself pushing myself, but boy it is a joy when God shows up and gives you that extra strength to go on. I am excited as I go into this week. I spoke with some new production and media people today after church, and they informed me that they will be able to help me with production of bible studies, and improve my current CD ministry. I will be able to produce more to a better price, and the quality will also improve. Media ministry is always changing. I am also impressed with the website as it has changed again. The pictures and content are becoming more effective to reach and help others. I do not have much help right now in our ministry, but people are showing up to help a brother out. We have made plans to travel to New Jersey in April. It will be a road trip where we will stop a couple places to share the gospel. I have to go do some more work before bed. Finally Free Ministry on the move.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Balance, Balance, Balance

I woke up at 6pm this morning after going to bed at 1:30pm. I attended a 7am Saturday morning men bible study. The study last until 9pm. I wanted to take a nap upon arriving back home, but I thought of some task to do. Is there ever not another task. My "To Do List" seems never to get smaller. There is always something to add to the list. I am working on the internet, washing clothes, and lifting weights all at the same time. I forgot to mention that I have been on the phone for about 2 hours as well. This is what we call multitasking. This afternoon I have to attend church to be the MC for the children ministry. Balance is always on my mind during the day. Some days I do well, and others I blow it. What remains most important in my daily planning is that I spend time with God in prayer and study. Everything works around that. Balance, balance, and more balance. Maybe I need to ASK God for 24 hour days to be adjusted to 36.

Pastor Ken

Friday, March 20, 2009


They are times when I just feel like I have nothing left. I feel sapped, but God gives me what I need to complete the task. Creativity, ideas for ministry, family life, teaching, and more projects can begin to consume a person if not careful. At times I feel these pressures. The thing with ministry is staying before God to receive direction. I am learning that the joy is in the journey - the good times, the struggles, the bleeps, and blunders all play a significance towards God shaping and molding me to use me for His plan and purpose.

Rising Above Life Challenges

Each day I ask myself what is keeping me going. At times I want to give up. At times I want to just walk away, but something inside of me continues to keep me going. At times my spirit is telling me to get on my knees and pray, but I just want to be still and begin to meditate. Where am I going? What am I doing? I became ordain back in December and have committed to helping and reaching others for Christ. WOW! Not that simple. Each day is a fight. Each day I find myself understanding a little more the importance of God. I really can make it without Him. I am realizing just how limited I truly am. Some days I feel like a complete idiot. Each day that I make it through my life touches someone watching from a distance and gives them the courage to reach for the stars. I am finding that I can make it another moment, another minute, another hour, and another day when it is not about me