Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"I Am Coming Out"

What's keeping you from stepping out into your dreams?  For many years I had one excuse after another why I couldn't do this or that.  I really didn't know what I wanted, but I knew that I wanted change.  I wanted something else for myself.  If I was to get honest I was controlled by so many elements in my environment from people, family, money, and my fears.  I wanted something different, but I would not be able to acquire it with the attitude or mindset that I had.  Education is of know value until you really understand that it's suppose to change you first which equips you to accomplish greater things.  Most of the time we take what we learn in school, or church, and begin to apply it to how others are living instead of using it as a instrument to change ourselves.  You begin to look at life differently as you change.   Your desires change; your wants change, and you realize that aspiring to change is the antidote to having a better life.  People will run to you instead of running from you.  My desire today is to come our from where I am to be all that I can be today.  God show me the way, and I must be willing to leave where I am to go where He shows me.  It's not easy everyday, but it is worth the stepping out into.  I AM COMING OUT OF THE PLACE THAT I AM TODAY INTO THE GREATER THAT GOD HAS FOR ME.

God Bless,
Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899

Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Your Blessing Is On The Way"

Hello Family,

I have been gone from the blogging scene for a couple months.  I do apologize, but I am back with a new passion going into 2014.  God has been our media ministry to extend it's reach, and moving into 2014 our goal is to invest in others.  I have to say I will never know just how far I can go if I am not willing to step away for the island that I have built for myself to live on.   I have realized something that I never knew before is that the higher you strive to climb the mountain you will have to leave some things behind.  Your friends change, your goals and perspective change.  You realize that most of the things that was important at the beginning now is on the back burner.  Life is really short, and this year I really going to press in to seek God for the power to access the unlimited potential to really reach some people.  Success is not about the building, the money, the or about how many people know me, but being granted the power, and ability to influence others and making a positive impact on their live.  Giving them tools to reach and obtain higher.  I want to ask that you join me this year in the journey to obtain freedom on a new level, and to improve the quality of ones life which translates into changing, and empowering others.  My commitment to you is to pour out myself into blessing you with resources, transparency, and encourage that I believe will assist you in reaching new heights.  Are you ready - let's do this.  Regardless of where you are today - Don't give up.  God has something specifically for you.   One last thing will you join me on Sunday, February 2nd for a event that is guaranteed to change your life.  See the information regarding the event below.

Ken Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899
Ministry Website: 
Web & Interactive Media: 