Have you ever thought about how your emotions if not put in check can take you hostage? As I continue to grow, and new opportunities come my way it's imperative that I take the time to develop myself on the inside as growth takes place on the outside. New opportunities bring about added responsibility, and if we don't take the time to develop ourselves inwardly we risk blowing new opportunities that arise. Over the years I have had my set of challenges, but what I am discovering is that with each one that I learn to work my way through it takes me higher. I have actually failed at opportunities because I was unprepared for the responsibility, and my emotions got the best of me. Now I can understand when we pray to God for certain things He delays the process to give us time to cultivate ourselves preparing us for the next place, venture, responsibility that we will face. I would rather not have something if I am only going to lose it, and have God give it to me when I am ready. You know what is even funnier to me at times in life God will bring you back to a place that you faltered, to give you an opportunity to take the test again. It amazing when you finally get it, and the revelation comes. I got it God - I finally got it. I must tell you that I laugh at myself more now than I have ever done before especially when a circumstance, person, or thing gets the best of me, and I know that I lost that battle because I didn't surrender on the inside first. I dust myself off, and say God okay teach me on the next round that I may grow in your grace. What I have discovered is whenever we are unwilling to deal with your personal issues in private they will embarrass you in public. I am attending school full time, business/ministry is growing, and things in my life has changed significantly over the last year. I am in deep waters my friends, and at times my emotions tell me I can't, but God tells me I got you my friend just keep striving. You will be just fine.
Everyone is striving for success. How do we obtain success I believe is the question that many of us needs answered? Everything that we go through in life prepares us for success. The hardships, the disappointments, the setbacks, and the failures all play a part in us reaching our goals and being successful. These somewhat discouraging elements actually does something on the inside of us when we learn the significance of pressing forward regardless. They build character, faith, perseverance, and the most important of them all is when we arrive to that place of added responsibility we are prepared on the inside. I have had more disappointments this year than successes, but what's beginning to manifest is the glory of God. God continues to keep me, provide for me, and has shown me that it's through the hardships of life that He brings about new glory. Last week I encountered a disappointment that was a crushing blow, but I got up dusted myself off and said God let do this thing. All thing work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Romans 8:28. I want to encourage someone today that regardless of what challenge you may be facing right now it's okay, and will work its way out, but don't give up. Success is obtain through failure, and disappointment not just taking a route towards your goal, and arriving without any challenges.
Many times in my journey I feel like I really am not making a difference in the lives of anyone. Why do I continue doing what I am doing? Does anyone really care? Am I wasting my time? I can't speak for anyone else, but there are times when these thoughts go through my head. This past Sunday at church God used my pastors message to reinforce that I am impacting lives, and that people within our communities are crying out for help especially our children. The above video will assist you in looking at your own children, and children within our communities in a different way. It will also help you with evaluating yourself. When I look out into our communities I see many things, but most people are more concerned with themselves than the next man. Someone has to be concern for our children, young adults, or even people who have lost their way. I got some work that I need to do.