Last year I decided to start taking my daily change from broken dollar bills and put it into a jar. I never thought about how much I had I just continued the process. One day months later while I was cleaning I tried to move the jar, and realized that I had accumulated quit a bit of change. The small amounts that I placed in the jar over a period of time had added up in a large amount. What I have now decided to do is take this same principle and implement it into my life. Each day, week, and moth I strive to change a small thing about myself. I have committed to working on this one thing for a period of time until I have mastered this change. I then move onto something else. This very simple principle has taken my life in a new direction mentally, physically, spiritually, and from a business perspective. Change can be so subtle that it can go unnoticed, but continue advancing forward and before you know it will transform your life. I get frustrated, and discouraged at times, but it doesn't deter me from continuing to preserver. What I can honestly say is that this method is transforming my life. "Change Adds Up Into Something Great"
If you are striving to achieve anything of a worthy cause you can best believe that the enemy will bring about opposition to keep you from advancing forward. A huge plight of mine is to continue to grow in the wisdom of God, and advance my technology skillset which will assist me in helping others to discovery God, grow personally, and advance their businesses or ministries. I have made significant advancement, but I am learning that there is a price to pay if you are in the business of Kingdom agenda. This past week the devil was about his business as usual whispering deceptive lies to discourage me as new opportunities are opening up. Why are you even wasting your time with what you are doing? No one cares about this God stuff. You care more about people than they do about you. Everyone is out for self while you want to help people. The list goes on and on, but this is my point. If I take the time to listen to this nonsense that the devil whispers from time to time he'll have me believing that I can't do what it is that God has called me to do. Honestly I have fell for those whispers before and forfeited my blessing only to have to come back to that same point to face that challenge again. The enemy at times bombards our mind with worthless lies to sabotage our dreams, and destiny. I want to encourage someone today to don't believe that lies, and continue striving, seeking God, believing in your dreams or vision, and know that God will provide you with the means to take you to the place that He has predestined for you.
So many of us have given up on life in some regard or another. It's easy to recognize the homeless, drunks, or drug addicts on the street because they are visible everyday, but what about the person who has given up on love, their dream of a business, or career. Given up on going back to school, or on their children. Everyone has something that they have a desire for, but may be struggle with the journey of reaching their destiny or goal. I find myself often discouraged, or frustrated, but I am learning that my hope is in God providing me with the mindset and desire of trusting His process and means of taking me the distance. God process sometimes require that we change some things along the way. Not that some things change for us to make us feel more comfortable. I don't like many things today that are going on in my life, but I am trusting that God will work them out in my favor that will display His glory. I am actually enjoying the journey, and the places and things that God continues to reveal to me daily. I have lost friends, but gained some new ones. Lost some accounts, but have been blessed with new opportunities. Love ones get mad at me, but I continue loving them regardless. Some health and financial issues has come up, but I make the adjustment to better manage my health and finances, but what's even more remarkable is that it works out all for the good, because God is in charge. All these things takes me towards my purpose, and changes me that I am able to handle where He takes me.
Great marketing & evangelizing campaigns begin with a great strategy. At KTW Media Ministry we'll partner with you to get the results - on time and on budget. Our process is simple. First, we'll get to know everything we can about your industry or ministry and unique business. Then, we'll dig into the biggest challenges and problems, especially the ones that keep you up at night! Next, we'll develop an insightful marketing or evangelizing strategy that will translate into executable campaign plan that fits your needs, whether short-term, long-term, or both. From online advertising to graphic design, direct marketing and public relations, our team had decades of combined experience in helping clients get their message out there and grow their internet marketing audience.
Kenneth Wilkins
PO Box 1173
Wilmington, DE 19899