Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Heavenly Life

God has shown me something that I have been holding onto for some time now. I do not have to wait to die to experience heaven. By living for Him I can experience the blessing of Heaven now. If I exercise a little faith I will go to Heaven, but if I exercise much I will bring Heaven down do me right now. Life passes by very quickly, and I ask myself what is God calling me to do right now. When I step out into the things of God - I have a Heavenly experience with Him. It's an experience that I can not create on my own only through losing myself in the things of God. What I am saying is that when I give of myself to God I discover and experience a taste of Heaven. Why wait when I can experience God and the Heavenly life now? The choice is mine.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Let Go & Let God

The mind plays so many tricks that we must be careful. The minds tells us at times that it is better to to back to where we come from than to move forward in what God is showing and doing in our lives. They are some many days that I can sense God's presents challenging me to continue to step out in faith - continue moving forward. I may not be able to see where He is taking me with the natural eyes, but in my spirit it's telling me that it a place that my mind can't yet understand, or phantom. They question that I face daily is are you will to let go "Kenneth" and give yourself totally to God. My spirit speaks saying "where God wants to take you can't compare to where you've been. I live each day with expectancy, and anticipation of God's glory being revealed in my life. The journey brings challenges, and opposition, but it a journey that I am beginning to understand that God has His hand on my life, and will never leave me or forsake me. Let Go & Let God is the word of the day for me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Turning Point

Someone asked me a question. What was the turning point in my life? I really use to believe that I was living a successful, and glorious life living for myself. Everything that I did, and all my goals were centered around me. Me, Me, Me was how I live. Instant gratification. I could not accomplish any long turn goals because I always wanted instant results. I began working, and centering myself around people who showed me a different type of love. A love that was not based on my performance, or what I could do for them. It was the love of Christ. How did this change my life you may be asking? Many people go to church, and read their bibles which is great, but what happen was someone began to explain and show me how powerful the bible becomes when we live what it teaches. My attitude changed which affected my outlook on life. I was no longer consumed or a prisoner of my past or who I use to be, but was set free by the power of the Word of God. It was not a overnight process, but I made a decision within myself that I wanted what God has for me instead of settling for lies, and tricks of the enemy. I have made a decision to strive, and press forward each day regardless the challenges or struggles that I may face. It's a sad thing when we become a prisoner of our past. When we allow our past to cripple our dreams, and ambition for the future. When our best days are behind us and not in front of us. We all have a story, but when we connect and live for God it becomes His glory.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Be All That You Can Be

Years ago I was in the military and one of the tag lines was to "be all that you can be". That is goal and motto that I live by today. I use to live an afraid insecure life. You may not have noticed it by the way that I carried myself on the outside, but on the inside I was fragile, and filled with hurts and pains that I mask with stuff. I finally broke free and found healing and restoration through building a new life in Christ Jesus. Through all the new life experiences - the good along with the struggles this has been a remarkable journey. Today I strive to be all that I can be which is to live by faith and not by sight. So many of us have a dream within, but few are willing to step out and move in direction of that dream. When I look back on life I don't want to say what I should of did, or could of did I want to be able to say that I at least strived to be the best that I could be.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


A dear friend of mine Manny Alvarez has gone home to be with the Lord this week. He was 82 years old. He lived a life that touched the lives of many. I am privileged and honored to be teaching at the Christian Rehabilitation Center that he started many years ago. This man went from an ex-heroine addict in the streets of New York City to leaving behind a legacy that will touch the lives of people for decades to come. What grabs my attention is what was the compelling force within that changed his life? His life changed than he changed the world around him in which he lived. The Power of Jesus Christ. No one is ever the same once they tape into this power. As I move forward in ministry, and with my life my prayer is that God endows me with His power to lead, and usher others into His presence. Today I am learning to stop and smell the roses, and realize that each day has meaning, and purpose when I allow God to have His way in my life.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Family Matters

Dealing with family may be one of the toughest aspects of ministry, because they are dear to your heart. Like everything else they must be prayed for, and lifted up to God. One of my prayers is that God touches the lives of the members of my family. My prayer has been that each one experience the love of Christ, and are saved in the family of God. My family is changing and I want to thank God. I have been taking the lead, and sharing the love of Christ, and communicating with each one. I must remember always that I can not change anyone, but only share the love of God and His Word. If not careful I can get caught up in my feelings and emotions when dealing with family because of the love that I have for them. Within the next couple weeks I will have them visiting me, and I am very excited - but what is more important than my excitement is that they experience the love of Christ. God continues to open up opportunities for me to share the love of Christ in so many ways, and it is a blessing, but also a responsibility that I must stay before Him about. They're some events and activities that are coming up with the ministry, and in my personal life that I have been seeking God to show up, and show out in. I am learning the importance of including God in everything that is done - remarkable results begin to occur. I want to thank God this morning for beginning to bring healing and restoration within my family. Family Matters.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Leaving Behind A Legacy

God is showing me that life is about building relationships. Nothing else is more important. Everything else fades, but what last is relationships that we build throughout our lives. As the ministry continues to grow, and God opens new opportunities for the ministry we want to build relationships with people and I believe the influence begins when they experience something different about you. At times I do struggle, but what keeps me going is that I don't live for myself anymore. It's scary at times for me because I sense God calling my to continue to step out into the deep. I am willing to sacrifice all for the sake of reaching others for Christ. I can't explain it - but that is where God is taking me more and more each day that I follow. I do not know all the answers, but I am willing, and I know someone who know all things. I truly believe that as we venture out into the deep we become vulnerable because we begin to bring down the walls to allow others to enter our world. My dependence has to be on God for protection, guidance, and provision. What I find remarkable is what God is revealing to me inwardly - it keeps me in awe, and is blowing me away. As I grow in God's Word - He gives me insight to take the gospel to the world, and build relatonships leaving behind a legacy.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jumping Into The Deep

This morning I am up early seeking God in prayer, and in bible study. Last night my heart was on reaching people for Christ. What good is it for me to be in ministry if we are not reaching people, sharing God's Word, and loving others? I do not want this ministry to be just a ministry in title only. Every so often God places someone on my mind. It is now my sister. She is a sweet young lady who has been trying to find her way. It has been tough since her divorce. Not financially, but inwardly. Some of us know that feeling of emptiness. She will be visiting me in Florida next week, and my prayer is that she experience the love of Christ. My prayer is that she can begin a new chapter in her life of freedom. You know what drives me in ministry - I remember that feeling of emptiness, and worthlessness when all the crowds where gone - when I was all alone. My goal is that as seek God and experience more of Christ in my life that I share it with others in whatever way that the ministry can be creative. God has been moving me within to launch out deeper for Him, and I must. It's all about Him - I can do this - I will do this, because I love Him so.

Monday, June 8, 2009

We Did It!

Sunday nights is the end of the week because I am my busiest during the weekend. We completed our first video production today, and I really had a wonderful time doing so. I felt the presence of God, and thankful that God has blessed us with the remarkable opportunity. We made some mistakes today that I can laugh at, but it was mistakes with trying to make sure that we did a wonderful job that people will be touched by the Word of God. Life is the best for me when I am creating new memories by stepping out in faith into something new. My wife made me laugh so hard today when she kept fumbling over the same word or phrase and she got upset with us because we kept being patient with her. We loved her through. It was that she was so serious for a second there and forgot about the fun of being on the team of God. There is always a learning curve with everything that we do new. That is the joy in the journey. We should never allow mistakes or fear to keep us from moving forward with new things in Christ.

Friday, June 5, 2009

DVD/CD Preparation

Well this week has been about preparation for another cd, and stepping out into something new - the production of a dvd. I think to myself how God is the master teacher. Last month I did a teaching on trust, and now I have to put the very teaching that I taught on into action in my very own life. I am learning how God prepares for each new level or step that we must take. I am very grateful for all that God has done, and continues to do in my life, and the ministry. God keeps teaching me the value and importance of trusting Him for guidance, provision, and understanding of His word. Everything that we do should go through Christ. At times I do become concerned about certain things, but I must take my concerns to God. God provides the people, and the know how for everything that He sets in motion, and I am learning how we give birth to new dreams and visions is by stepping out in faith - what God reveals to us within our heart, and God will meet us. I think to myself how I do not want to be someone who looks back and say to himself if only I would of at least tried I wonder what would of happened. I want to be someone who says I tried, and what a remarkable experience I had in the Lord. How can someone fail when the put God first in their life. I don't think so. Here we go again. Praise God.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I am learning new things each day. Life becomes one big learning experience. I learn new things through each experience that takes place in life. I call it discovery. My relationship with God can be summed up in one word DISCOVERY. I do not like when things are reveal about myself that I need to change, but at the same time it is a blessing because I have an opportunity to make changes to improve my life. Last week my thoughts took me places I did not like, but this week I have a opportunity to make adjustments to improve my week, and it starts with me looking inward. I use to say that life is challenging, and it is. I am learning that the biggest challenge in life is myself. Keeping It Real With Myself! I do not strive for quantity these days, but quality. The things (stuff) will come, and go, but if I can improve the quality of my life just maybe I can have an positive effect on someone else and help them along in this journey.