I say to myself that I want to go wherever God is taking me. It's much easier said than done. If I am going to go where God is leading than I am going to have to let go of some things. (People, places, and things). It has taken me some time to face this reality. I have at some point on the surface, but deep withing God is calling me to look deeper within to face my greatest fears. I can't run from me, and if I am going to elevate to new places I can only take me, and not the mess or toys that I so often want to cling onto. The more that I evaluate my life I realize that it really comes down to a person journey between me and God. God is capable of doing all things, and I believe the number one thing he wants me to do is change me. If I change everything else in my life will change as a result, but so often I want other things to change first. I truly comes down to a faith walk. A walk that I must make with God and myself. Other things will be added, but God wants me so close to Him that regardless of the things added or taken away that I am still capable of keeping my focus on Him. This day I want to thank God for blessing me with opportunities of change, hope, love, and freedom.