Friday, May 29, 2009
The Beauty Of Challenges
No one likes challenges, but I am learning to use them to evaluate my Christian walk. My personal challenges has enabled me to see areas of life the needs improvement, and changes that need to be made. This week I have faced some inward battles with self. At times if not careful I can easily get caught up in my "Rights". What I want for myself, and what I am entitled to. A very dangerous place to be. I drifted there this week, and God always has a remarkable way of bringing it to the light which He did through my quiet time. I love it when God reveals something within myself. I say that I love it because I truly want to change. I am afraid if I don't I will become a prisoner of self. Challenges are tough, but very much needed to grow in our walk with Christ. At times I can really sense the urgency of how much I really need Christ. This week as I was taking a closer look at myself I realize I am really small in comprehension, and statue. This really keeps me humble, and blessed to be of service of God. God is doing some remarkable things within the ministry as in June we are marching forward with a new project in DVD Production. We have been blessed, and the more we grow it seems the smaller I get. As I close this blog I must say that I am truly grateful these days for the love, and compassion of God.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Running The Race
You know what have been on my mind lately. Reaching more people for Christ. I am thankful for everything that God has done for me, and the ministry. Words cannot express my gratitude. As I continue in this journey it seems each time I think that I can take a deep breath God places something else on my heart to venture out into. I know that it is God because it have nothing to do with me, and everything to do with Him. The month of May have been the "I Will Trust You" month. I did a series on the topic, and as we continue to grow personally, and spiritually, the ministry does as well. The trusting that I am speaking of today is that as we move forward in what God places on our heart we believe that He will meet the need. How many times do we feel the nudge of God in a particular area of our lives, but do nothing. They're is a time to be patient, but also a time to press forward. I have been doing a little more praying these days, and much more seeking God.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I Will Trust You
"I Will Trust You" have been the theme for the month of May, and I have learned so much from studying trust, and preparing two CD Teachings. This month has been remarkable. God has now presented another opportunity for our ministry to expand. I truly believe that it is one of the largest opportunities that has come our way. Streaming Faith has offered us an opportunity to reach more people across the globe the Video On Demand. We are in the process of starting DVD production, but now the will be able to be seen all over the world. The ministry is growing by leaps and bounds. I will be in prayer about everything that is taking place. I am excited, but want to make sure that I am staying within God's plan. I am grateful with everything that is happening. I was so tired just from ministry over the weekend that I had to take a nap Monday afternoon. I must say that I am living my dream. We conclude the weekend we did the conclusion to "I Will Trust You" Part 2. I was blown away how God showed up. All I can say is WOW!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Up Early Seeking God
I am charged and ready to go today. I rose early to spend time praying and seeking God. I have to teach a class today at New Hope Corp. and I will be talking about trusting God. Staying connected is half the battle. I am learning if I just stay connected God will get me to where He wants me to be. The more I learn about God and how great He is the smaller I realize that I am. There are so many prayer request, and things to be thankful for. Here I go again. Another glorious day seeking and living for God.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Whispers Of The Enemy
Every so often I can feel the enemy breathing down my neck. I can not speak for anyone else, but there are times when I can feel the opposition of the enemy in my life. In my past it use to bring about doubt and fear, but today it takes me to my knees. The most dangerous times in life for me is when things are going well. My challenge today is remaining discipline, and focused on the assignment that God has given me. What helps me stay focused is realizing that I am not living my life just for me, and I cannot accomplish anything without God being first in my life. With every new venture, or assignment that God calls me to the enemy comes in whispering lies. I think of the Apostle Paul when he ask the thorn to removed from his side. God said my grace is sufficient. My first and daily assignment is that I build upon my relationship with God, and that gives me the strength and empowerment to accomplish the task He has given me to do.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Reaching Others For Christ
Now that I am settled in from vacation I am looking for direction from God as where does He wants the ministry to go. Our primary purpose is to reach others for Christ. In June we will be looking to implement Video Productions on the website, and Youtube. We will also be sending out DVD teachings to our partners, and will have them available on the ministry eStore. With each new endeavor resources are needed, but we are believing that God will provide as He guides us. We spoke with Homestead YMCA looking to put together an community event in the month of July. We have been blessed to have partnered with several companies that have been remarkable with helping us reach others for Christ. I am excited about what is taking place in the ministry, and believing that God is taking us somewhere we have never dreamed. If we take care of God's business God will most definitely take care of ours.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Back In Action
The vacation is over even though I do not feel it was all a vacation. My wife and I was exhausted from all the traveling, and ministering, and visiting family members. It was tiresome, but very rewarding inwardly. We thank God for allowing us to visit so many places and pass out books, and teaching CD to many. God continues to blow me away with the way that He empowers inwardly, and provides outwardly for His mission and plan that He has for us to accomplish. I can remember the days of walking in doubt, and uncertainty, but today I step out even if I do not understand because God is proving Himself to be faithful. I say this often - that I do not need to know all the answers because I know someone who does. Last night I went to bed at 3:30am, and tonight will be another late night preparing for tomorrows CD teaching "I Will Trust You". I am believing that this CD is going to be anointed and touch the lives of many. It has touched my life just preparing it.
Friday, May 1, 2009
An Invite By Princeton University
Each day of this vacation we have been in some other city visiting someone. Today we are afforded the opportunity to be blessed to attend a fund raiser hosted by Princeton University - Trenton Afterschool Program. Pastor Ken's aunt Tina Blackledge has been running this program for years. This fund raiser will consist of children performing, and a dinner. Tomorrow we will be leaving, but will host a cookout inviting old friends, and relatives. This vacation has been remarkable, and has given us the opportunity to spend time with friends, supporters, partners, and family abroad.
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